Maria Wojakowski

Former member (Graduate student)

Maria Wojakowski

My research interests are reptile and amphibian ecology, ecological statistics, and conservation. My dissertation research focuses on the ecology and conservation of western pond turtles in the San Francisco Bay Area. I am investigating aspects of western pond turtle behavior, genetics, and health, and am especially interested in the impact of environmental variation on turtle biology and ecology and the role of turtles an indicator species. My research also includes an analysis of the demography and movement ecology of western pond turtle populations at multiple sites in the San Francisco Bay Area. The final goal of my research is to build statistical models to inform conservation efforts for this species.

Posts by Maria Wojakowski


A new paradigm for the conservation of turtles

Research by on March 11, 2016
Turtles are more highly threatened with extinction than many other vertebrate groups, and numerous species will likely become extinct in the next decades.  Failure to conserve the world’s remaining turtle populations is partially due to the ineffectiveness of current conservation strategies.  A new paradigm is needed for the conservation of turtles, one which maintains the… Read more A new paradigm for the conservation of turtles