Dirzo Lab Meeting, October 02, 10am on Friday Pacific time (US and Canada)
This Friday in lab meeting we’ll be hearing from Nicole Ponta from the Institute of Terrestrial Ecosystems at ETH Zurich. Nicole’s presentation is “Hunters, poachers, stewards. What’s in a name? Understanding the drivers of hunting behavior through participatory modelling” and here is a short description:
The aim of this talk is to look at hunting as a complex social-ecological system and particularly toprovide a deeper understanding of hunters’ strategies, their drivers and their adaptive capabilities in the face of uncertain futures. How do hunters make decisions? Under which circumstances will hunters change their practices? How do current regulations affect their livelihoods? Understanding human behavior requires that scientists go beyond rational choice theory, and that we take into account people’s attitudes, ambitions, and the fact that we exist within societies having a major influence on how we behave.
Looking forward to seeing you all Friday at the usual time.