Elena Quintero
Former member (Visiting PhD student)
I am a visiting PhD student from the Doñana Biological Station in Spain (EBD-CSIC).
My field of study is plant-animal interactions. I am currently working on frugivory and seed dispersal processes, and how these interactions have co-evolved, how they affect the ecosystem landscape and forest regeneration. I am particularly interested in the role and strategies that species follow to subsist in natural networks. I love working with nature and any curiosity about species adaptations to the environment.
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- BIO 144/234: Conservation Biology: A Latin American Perspective
- BIO/EARTHSYS 105A/B: Ecology and Natural History of Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve
- BIO 121/221: Ornithology
- Reconnecting People + Nature in the Anthropocene (YouTube videos)
- A Dirzo Podcast on mass biological loss is now uploaded onto YouTube & audio platforms