In contrast to the sexy idea that #defaunation leads to a condition of ’empty forests,’ we have documented that some species are impacted, while others become winners & proliferate,” explains Rodolfo Dirzo
Just out of the oven! a new study lead by former lab member Rita de C.Q. Portela (professor at Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro’s) adn Rodolfo Dirzo, finds human-caused destruction of animal habitats, or defaunation, in a Brazilian Atlantic Forest landscape led to predation release, an outburst of monkeys & the collapse of some plant species.
“In contrast to the sexy idea that #defaunation leads to a condition of ’empty forests,’ we have documented that some species are impacted, while others become winners & proliferate,” explains Rodolfo Dirzo.
Read the full study
New paper @ELSenviron finds athropogenic habitat fragmentation & defaunation in a Brazilian Atlantic Forest landscape led to predation release, monkey population outburst & plant demographic collapse—R de C.Q. Portela @ufrj & R Dirzo @StanfordHumSci
— Chris Field (@chrfield) November 17, 2020
"In contrast to the sexy idea that #defaunation leads to a condition of 'empty forests,' we have documented that some species are impacted, while others [like monkeys] become winners & proliferate," explains Prof. Rodolfo Dirzo on his latest study.
— Stanford Woods Institute (@StanfordWoods) November 17, 2020