Rebecca Nelson

Former member (Undergraduate Alum)

Rebecca Nelson

I am broadly interested in how anthropogenic global change affects plant-insect interactions and what restoration strategies can help conserve these interactions. As an undergraduate (Class of 2020), I did my honors thesis in the Dirzo Lab on oak herbivory at Jasper Ridge. I am now an ecology PhD student in the Harrison Lab at the University of California Davis.

Posts by Rebecca Nelson

oak tree with hills in background

Oak Herbivory at Jasper Ridge

Research by on September 8, 2020
Plants and their insect herbivores comprise over half of all described nonmicrobial species and interact in ways that influence key community- and ecosystem-level processes. A prevalent pattern in nature is that herbivory –the consumption plant tissue or fluids by herbivores, particularly insects– varies across species. The Apparency Hypothesis suggests that plant species that are more… Read more Oak Herbivory at Jasper Ridge