Luísa Genes
PhD Student

My research focuses on the conservation and restoration of species interactions in tropical terrestrial ecosystems. I am currently working in rainforests in Brazil and Costa Rica, studying how communities and plant-animal interactions reassemble through restoration and trophic rewilding. Before coming to Stanford, I've worked in the reintroduction of howler monkeys (Alouatta guariba) to Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), and I've looked at their effects on species interactions. I am very passionate about hands-on conservation!
Posts by Luísa Genes
New paper: Restoration of plant-animal interactions in terrestrial ecosystems
News by Luísa Genes on December 13, 2021
JUST OUT! Dirzo Lab PhD student Luísa Genes and Rodolfo just published a new study in Biological Conservation. After reviewing papers that assessed plant-animal interactions in restoration and trophic rewilding, and conducting a meta-analysis, they have found that seed dispersal and pollination are recovered to a better state in restored than in degraded situations. However, antagonistic interactions showed more… Read more New paper: Restoration of plant-animal interactions in terrestrial ecosystems
New paper: Trophic rewilding benefits a tropical community through direct and indirect network effects
News by Luísa Genes on December 13, 2021
Just out! Dirzo Lab PhD student Luísa Genes just co-authored a new paper in Ecography, in collaboration with colleagues at the Refauna project. Amongst many interesting results, they found that frugivore reintroductions affect the local seed dispersal network through direct and indirect pathways, and that multiple reintroductions in the same area may have a greater restoration… Read more New paper: Trophic rewilding benefits a tropical community through direct and indirect network effects
Janzen-Connell at 50: Where are we? - An ATBC Panel Discussion
News by Luísa Genes on September 1, 2021
During 2021 ATBC Annual Meeting, Rodolfo co-led with Prof. Liza Comita a panel to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Janzen-Connell hypothesis, which continues to be crucial to explain tropical forest diversity. The video of this fruitful, exciting and heartwarming Panel is now available at Janzen-Connell at 50: Where are we? – An ATBC Panel… Read more Janzen-Connell at 50: Where are we? - An ATBC Panel Discussion
Exciting news and awards
News by Luísa Genes on June 25, 2021
Dirzo Lab members had many exciting accomplishments over Spring 2021! Tyler McFadden successfully defended his PhD on June 7th and got a postdoc position in Stanford Jessica Martin successfully defended his PhD on June 1th and got a postdoc position in New Mexico State University Tyler McFadden got the Norman K. Wessells Award for Outstanding course/teaching… Read more Exciting news and awards
Integrating Facilitation and Mutualistic Networks
News by Luísa Genes on December 8, 2020
Watch the recording of Gianalberto Losapio’s fascinating talk at the Species Interactions Workshop 2020, and stay tuned for more Dirzo Lab videos being uploaded soon!
Just out: Impacts of rodent eradication on seed predation and plant community biomass on a tropical atoll
News by Luísa Genes on November 5, 2020
Dirzo Lab former undergrad Ana Miller-Ter Kuile and collaborators (including Rodolfo Dirzo and former lab member and now UCSB faculty Hillary Young), just published a paper in Biotropica. The study looks at the effects of an invasive rodent eradication on the plant community at the Palmyra Atoll. Check out the press release: And the paper:
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